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Water Meter Upgrade Program

InnServices has partnered with WAMCO to carry out a Water Meter Upgrade Program, to replace and upgrade water meters older than ten (10) years.

Water Meter Upgrade Program

InnServices has partnered with WAMCO to carry out a Water Meter Upgrade Program. This program aims to replace and upgrade water meters older than ten (10) years at no cost to the property owner. This program will ensure the continued accuracy of your water billings and improve water meter reading efficiency. 

Benefits of the Water Meter Upgrade Program include:

  • The ability for the InnServices to conduct remote water meter readings. No physical visits will be required to obtain water meter readings which will result saved time and improved efficiency
  • Improved water meter reading accuracy. If the resident's water meter was previously over-registering or under-registering, the new water meter will now measure the water usage accurately.
  • The future ability for the InnServices to identify leaks and losses within the system before they become a larger issue.

There is no cost to residents to participate in this project and the installations. This is a mandatory program.

About the Program

Households will be selected on an area-by-area basis. Those selected will receive a notice and will be required to book an in-person appointment within seven days of receiving the letter with the InnServices' contractor WAMCO to replace their water meter

The upgrade program will consist of the following:
• Removal of your existing water meter and installation of a new water meter.
• Replacement of existing external readers. If an external reader does not already exist on the premise, a wire will have to be run from the inside meter to the building exterior.

WAMCO installers will need to access the water meter inside the home and install a water meter reader outside of the home. There is no cost to residents to participate in this mandatory program and an adult (18+ years old) is required to be at home for the duration of the appointment. Appointments are estimated to take 15-20 minutes. 

Access into the premises to complete this work is a mandatory requirement. In accordance with Town of Innisfil By-Law 121-16 #13 InnServices may shut off or restrict the supply of water to a property if they require access.

Booking the Appointment

If you have received a notice, you are required to book an in-person appointment within seven days of receiving the letter. The Water Meter Upgrade Program is underway, and appointments are available on a first come first serve basis.

Book an Appointment

You can also call WAMCO at 1-833-926-2626 to book an appointment.


InnServices has awarded the contract for this water meter upgrade program to WAMCO Municipal Products. WAMCO employees will wear an identification tag, a hat and reflective vest with the WAMCO logo, as well as an InnServices identification badge. WAMCO installers will be wearing PPE, including masks. Residents are asked to please give WAMCO installers their space when they are performing the water meter upgrade.