s Toilet Replacement Program | InnServices
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Toilet Replacement Program

Don't flush your money away - switch to a WaterSense® Toilet to receive a $100 rebate and help contribute to a more sustainable environment!

Toilet Replacement Program

Receive a rebate valued up to $100 for the replacement of a high-flow toilet (13-20L) with a WaterSense® Certified toilet*. The program will provide 1 (one) rebate per address, for a maximum of 2 (two) toilets, for the duration of the program. Your home must have been built before 1996 to qualify!

Program Details

Pending budget approval and demonstrated success of earlier phases 

    • Single family dwellings on municipal water and/or wastewater
    • Multi-residential dwellings on municipal water and/or wastewater
    • Industrial, Commercial, Institutional (ICI) on municipal water and/or wastewater

Rebate Eligibility Checklist

To be eligible for this program, applicants must meet all eligibility requirements listed below. 

  • Home or business must be located within the Town of Innisfil
  • Home or business must be constructed prior to 1996
  • Replacement toilets must be WaterSense® certified
  • A completed Application Form must be submitted
  • A BEFORE-replacement photograph must be submitted that clearly demonstrates that the toilet to be replaced has a high flush volume (>=13L).

NOTE: generally speaking, if it is green, blue, pink, purple, golden rod, or the tank extends beyond the seat, it is >13L

  • An AFTER-replacement photograph must be submitted that clearly demonstrates that the low flow toilet was placed in the same home as the high flush volume was removed from.
  • An itemized original receipt must be submitted
  • Homeowner must agree to provide access to 2 years’ historical water meter reads and 2 years’ AFTER-replacement reads, so that we may calculate and demonstrate water savings achieved through the program.

How Do I Get My Rebate?

Rebates will be applied as a credit on your Utility Bill. It may take up to two months to see the rebate applied. The program will provide 1 (one) rebate per address, for a maximum of 2 (two) toilets, for the duration of the program.
