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Water Infrastructure and Responsibility

Responsibility for costs of maintenance, service and repair of water service lines depends on the location of the line.

Water Infrastructure and Responsibility

How It’s Connected

Most homes in Innisfil are connected to underground pipes and water service lines. These pipes connect to the municipal water supply and wastewater collection system.

A water service line is the pipe that runs underground from the watermain at the street into your home. It connects to the water meter and plumbing inside your house. Responsibility for costs of maintenance, service and repair of water service lines depends on the location of the line.


Example of a Curb Stop

InnServices is responsible for the section of water service line that runs from the watermain under the street, up to and including the curb stop. The curb stop is usually located just outside the property line, normally on the municipal side of the property.

Property Owners 

Property Owners are responsible for the section of water service line that runs from the curb stop into the home. Property owners are required to and responsible for maintaining access to curb stops on their property and to report any known issues with their properties curb stop directly to InnServices. Homeowners are also responsible for all indoor plumbing.

Property Owners are responsible for protecting the Water Meter within the house from damage. Property owners shall provide free, clear and unobstructed access to the water meter at all times. Tampering or any alteration to the water meter is prohibited under the Town’s Water Use By-law 101-21.

Condominiums and Townhouse Complexes

Water service line may split at the curb stop into several independent lines. Lines between the curb stop and building may be jointly owned by the owner and residents, or outright by the owner. Ownership may or may not involve property management companies.