Lakeshore Wastewater Treatment Plant
This Plant is located at 1578 St. Johns Road and was built in two (2) stages. The first stage was built in 1987 with a capacity of treating 7,185 m³ per day or 1,600,000 gallons per day. In 1996 the second stage was commissioned doubling the capacity to 14.4MLD or 3,200,000 gallons per day. We are currently performing an environmental assessment in anticipation of the Lakeshore WWTP expansion to an anticipated 40MLD.
The Lakeshore Wastewater Treatment Plant is an extended aeration type plant with the effluent being sand filtered and disinfected using an Ultra-Violet Radiation System. The collection system consists of approximately 100 KM of gravity sewers with 4.0 KM of force main running from the six associated pump stations located in the Lakeshore area. The collection system runs from Sandy Cove in the north end, to Lefroy in the south end, and westerly as far as Hwy 11.
The six pump stations lift sewage in this sequence: #5 Pump Station which is located at 1208 Killarney Beach Road lifts the sewage from the Stoney Point area to the gravity sewer on Ewart Street. Which then flows by gravity to the # 1 Pump Station located at 1236 Maple Road. The sewage in the Belle Aire Beach and Little Cedar Point area along with Lefroy and Stoney Point is then pumped to the Lakeshore Plant. The # 2 Pump Station located at 690 6th Line pumps the sewage collected from the Tent City area directly to the Lakeshore Plant. The # 4 Pump Station located at 2298 Crystal Beach Road collects the sewage from all the areas north of Innisfil Beach Road and then pumps the sewage south to a manhole on Lakelands Avenue, where it then flows by gravity to # 3 Pump Station located at 1692 Cedar Grove Avenue.
The sewage from # 4 Pump Station, along with the sewage collected from the area south of the Innisfil Beach Road, is then pumped to the Lakeshore Plant. There is also a temporary Pump Station at the end of Leslie Street that services eighteen homes as well as our newest addition for Innisfil Recreation Center located at #2101 Innisfil Beach Road.