Water Distribution System Maintenance
Preventative maintenance is a proactive approach to maintaining the water distribution system. Preventative maintenance often addresses issues before they cause a major problem or breakdown and can result in cost savings. Below are some of the key maintenance programs:
Watermain Flushing
Watermain Flushing maintenance aims to maintain drinking water quality and increase the capacity of the distribution system by cleaning the pipes.
This is done by forcing water through water mains at high speed and discharging it through hydrants, which are left open until the water runs clear. This fast-moving water flow cleans out mineral deposits and sediment that have built up over time and settled at the bottom of the pipes.
Residents are notified during water main flushing. Please see the Faults and Interruptions page for any current/planned flushing operations.
Hydrant Maintenance
Hydrants are an important component of the distribution system as they are an access point for many maintenance activities such as flushing and are used for fire protection. Fire hydrant maintenance is conducted year-round to ensure they are operable during fire emergencies.
Exercising Valves
The purpose of the Valve Exercising Program is to exercise mainline valves throughout the distribution system to assure reliable operation, maintain water quality and ensure they can be utilized during emergency shutdowns. Valves are exercised on a regular cycle designed to prevent a buildup of rust in the pipes as a result of corrosion or other mineral deposits that could render the valve inoperable or prevent a tight shutoff.
The program accurately records detailed valve information, ensures valve reliability in the event of an emergency, allows staff the ability to immediately isolate water lines for main flushing and main breaks, and extends the valve life.