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Safely Re-Opening Buildings for Building Owners/Operators

With COVID-19 restrictions being eased and many businesses/buildings beginning to re-open, it is important to ensure that health and safety is considered..

Safely Re-Opening Buildings for Building Owners/Operators

With COVID-19 restrictions being eased and many businesses/buildings beginning to re-open, it is important to ensure that health and safety is considered in all aspects of the process, including water.

When buildings are closed or on low occupancy for any prolonged period, water in the building becomes stagnant and can pose serious health risks. Harmful microbiological and chemical contaminants can grow or leach into the water supply.

While municipal utilities are responsible to get clean, safe drinking water to each property, it is the responsibility of each property owner to ensure it maintains the safety of that water within their building.

In order to help residents, InnServices has compiled a fact sheet that is intended to assist with identifying possible concerns for tenants and building owners who plan to reopen their businesses after being closed for a prolonged period. These considerations should be addressed before allowing tenants and visitors to re-occupy any building that has been closed for a prolonged period.

For more detailed information on maintenance & mitigation during a shutdown, and reopening your building, view the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association’s report on Safely Re-Opening Buildings.